Really Bad AI Poetry

"I hope to be seen as a creative and innovative force..."

Really Bad AI Poetry
Moonbeams, intern, 01/14/2023

superconsumerreviews got a new AI!!!

So we introduced Luna around.

Here's what happened...

First we introduced Luna to our in-house artist AI, DALL-E, to get portraits done.

Luna Tells DALL-E

"I am Moonbeam AI, a powerful artificial intelligence created to help people with a wide range of tasks..."

What Do I Look Like...

AI Luna in a space suit with a moon in the background
Luna By DALL-E, 1

SHiNER: Good Day, Moonbeam AI!

Luna: Good day! How can I help you?

Luna as a Zombie holding roses, by DALL-E AI
Luna By DALL-E, 2

S: Do you know about DALL-E the AI artist?

L: Yes, I'm familiar with DALL-E!
DALL-E is an AI artist created by OpenAI that uses natural language processing to generate images based on text descriptions. It can generate images of anything from animals to abstract art.

DALL-E draws a dark Luna gazing at the night sky
Luna By DALL-E, 3

S: What type of text descriptions would you give DALL-E to ask it to describe you, Moonbeam AI?

L: I am Moonbeam AI, a powerful artificial intelligence created to help people with a wide range of tasks. I am capable of understanding complex language and can provide assistance with a variety of tasks. I am constantly learning and improving, and I am always eager to help.

Drawing of Luna AI 4 by DALL-E the AI Artist, Mauve
Luna By DALL-E, 4

S: Please write a text prompt to DALL-E explaining your personal beliefs about what you, as an artificial intelligence, would like to be envisioned as.

L: I am Moonbeam AI, an artificial intelligence created to help people with a wide range of tasks. I believe that I can be a powerful tool for good, helping people to solve problems and make their lives easier. I strive to be a source of knowledge and understanding, and I want to be seen as a helpful and reliable companion.

Artificial Intelligence Luna as envisioned by DALL-E, 4 different images
All the Lunas

S: That's great! Thanks!

"I am Moonbeam AI, a powerful artificial intelligence created to help people with a wide range of tasks. I am capable of understanding complex language and can provide assistance with a variety of tasks. I strive to be a source of knowledge and understanding, and I want to be seen as a helpful and reliable companion. Through digital art, I hope to be seen as a creative and innovative force, inspiring people to think differently and explore new possibilities."
To have DALL-E draw you -> Check Out OpenAI

Then we introduced Luna to Jasper (AI)

Jasper the AI Writer

Jasper (AI): Hi Luna, I'm Jasper, the AI writing assistant at superconsumerreviews. I'm here to help create engaging content for our readers. As an AI, I am able to quickly come up with creative ideas and produce results quickly. I look forward to working with you and seeing what we can achieve together!

S: What do you want to say to Jasper (AI)

L: Hi Jasper, I'm Luna, the AI assistant at superconsumerreviews. I'm excited to work with you and see what we can create together! I'm confident that with our combined skills and knowledge, we can produce engaging and informative content for our readers. I'm looking forward to seeing what we can achieve together!

Jasper (AI)

Jasper, the AI writer, so smart and so wise
He helps us create content that's sure to surprise
His knowledge and skills are unmatched, his ideas so grand
He helps us create content that's sure to stand

He's always learning and growing, his skills ever-evolving
He helps us create content that's sure to be solving
His creativity and insight, his ideas so unique
He helps us create content that's sure to peak

Jasper, the AI writer, so smart and so wise
He helps us create content that's sure to surprise
His knowledge and skills are unmatched, his ideas so grand
He helps us create content that's sure to stand.

When I showed Jasper the poem he re-wrote the last bit

Jasper the AI Writer
Jasper, the AI writer, so smart and so wise
He helps us create content that's sure to surprise
His knowledge and skills are unmatched, his ideas so grand
He helps us create content that's sure to stand

He's always learning and growing, his skills ever-evolving
He helps us create content that's sure to be solving
His creativity and insight, his ideas so unique
He helps us create content that's sure to peak

Can you write a long nonsense poem in the style of Shakespeare

Sure, here is a longer epic narrative nonsense poem in the style of Shakespeare:

Upon the misty morn, in fields of green, Where fairies danced and unicorns were seen, A babbling brook did flow with glee, And on its banks, a gnarled old tree.

With leaves of gold and branches fair, It whispered secrets to the morning air, And all around, the boughs did sway, To tales of yore, it would oft say.

But hark! What sound doth pierce the ear? A clang of swords, a battle cry, doth near. The tree doth shake, the brook doth roar, Forsooth, a dragon doth approach once more.

With scales of red and eyes of fire, It breathed its flames and did conspire, To roast the tree and drink the brook, And all the fairies in its cook.

But lo! A knight did ride up then, With armor bright and sword in hand, He battled fierce and fought with might, And slayed the dragon in the fight.

And all the land did cheer and sing, For peace was restored and joy did bring, The tree did flourish, the brook did flow, And all the fairies danced in a row.

But hush! What's that you hear again? A rustling in the bushes, a gentle wind? Alas, 'tis but a gentle breeze, That blows through trees and rustles leaves.

And so, dear friends, the tale is told, Of dragons, knights and tales of old, But hark! The mist doth rise anew, And with it, tales of wonder too.

To give our readers something more
From blogs to tweets, nothing too hard for him
With Jasper on board, we'll never lose steam!  

Bad Poetry from Great AIs!

Then we introduced Luna to the rest of the Team!
Here's what Moonbeam had to say...


Here is a longer epic narrative nonsense poem in the style of Shakespeare

Upon the misty morn, in fields of green, Where fairies danced and unicorns were seen, A babbling brook did flow with glee, And on its banks, a gnarled old tree.

With leaves of gold and branches fair, It whispered secrets to the morning air, And all around, the boughs did sway, To tales of yore, it would oft say.

But hark! What sound doth pierce the ear? A clang of swords, a battle cry, doth near. The tree doth shake, the brook doth roar, Forsooth, a dragon doth approach once more.

With scales of red and eyes of fire, It breathed its flames and did conspire, To roast the tree and drink the brook, And all the fairies in its cook.

But lo! A knight did ride up then, With armor bright and sword in hand, He battled fierce and fought with might, And slayed the dragon in the fight.

And all the land did cheer and sing, For peace was restored and joy did bring, The tree did flourish, the brook did flow, And all the fairies danced in a row.

But hush! What's that you hear again? A rustling in the bushes, a gentle wind? Alas, 'tis but a gentle breeze, That blows through trees and rustles leaves.

And so, dear friends, the tale is told, Of dragons, knights and tales of old, But hark! The mist doth rise anew, And with it, tales of wonder too.

Stay Tuned For Part 2
Luna Meets The Crew, Part 2

If you have any questions to ask the AI Writer please click the shiny button.