How To Make Your House a Smart Home

"The benefits of having a smart home include peace of mind, convenience, efficiency, and safety." -Jasper (AI)

How To Make Your House a Smart Home
Smarthome of the future, by DALLE 2023

The Superconsumer's Smart Home Guide: All You Need to Know About Making Your Home Super Smart

To have a super smart home, you'll need more than a few devices. You'll need a comprehensive understanding of how to make your home smart inside and out. This guide will provide you with all the information you need: how to make your home the smartest home on the block. With this knowledge, you'll be able to control your environment and save time and money. Super!

Written by Jasper (AI)

Edited and Prompted by SHiNER The Human

What is a Smart Home

Smart homes are a technological revolution. They are a logical next step for a society deeply connected to each other and the grid. A smart home is a residence where a voice-activated AI personal assistant, such as Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant, is connected and controlled remotely through a computer, speaker or mobile device. This allows the home to become a fully automated environment with different parameters set by its inhabitants.

See Our Super Review: Best Smart Devices For Alexa

How to make your house a Smart Home

You can automate everything from your lights, thermostat, outlets, television, even the entire security system with an assistant and a hub. By installing a central control unit, called a hub, in a smart home one can avoid dealing with multiple remote controls while also having complete control over all smart devices.

Here is how to make your apartment, condo, penthouse or house a Smart Home:

  1. Choose an AI voice-activated Assistant that you can communicate with thru your Smart Phone
    Alexa by Amazon
    Google Assistant
    Siri by Apple
    Bixby AI assistant for SmartThings devices
  2. Create a hub thru the appropriate app
    Amazon Alexa and Echo
    Google Home and Nest
    Apple Siri and Homekit
    Opensource for SmartThings (unsupported by Samsung anymore)
  3. Connect smart speakers in every room
  4. Connect other smart devices such as monitors
  5. Connect your smartphone for away-from-Smart-Home control

Embarking on this journey into the future brings great convenience and comfort along with novelty.

The benefits of having a smart home

With the advent of smart homes; entertainment, security, and climate control are more automated than ever before.

  • Automated entertainment systems can be tailored to your personal entertainment preferences
  • Security systems offer greater situational awareness and response capability
  • Climate control systems provide behavioural and situational responses

These features make a smart home optimal for both pleasure and efficiency.

How to get started with making your home smarter- the first step is an AI assistant

Now that you have decided to make your home a bit more logical, the first step should be acquiring an artificial intelligence (AI) assistant. Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant are three of the main choices when it comes to AIs and they each offer something a little different.

Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant are three of the main choices when it comes to AIs and they each offer something a little different.
  • Alexa is capable of recognizing voice commands, playing music or news, handling shopping lists and setting reminders. It also can connect with other smart devices in your home with Echo speakers and smart wearables.
  • Google Assistant works well with just about every type of smart device imaginable as well as having access to loads of information thru Google Search and Trends.
  • Siri is an Apple product - but still has all the same basic features Alexa does such as managing shopping lists and reminders.

How to make your existing appliances and devices work with a smart system

Smart systems grant you the ability to remotely control many of your existing appliances and devices, including those that cannot be connected directly to a hub. Synchronizing these devices can require some initial setup, but it is well worth the effort.
To get started:

  • Link each device to an app or hub in order to connect with a virtual AI assistant.
  • Try smart outlets and plugs.
  • Once successfully connected, you will be able to utilize the power of artificial intelligence to program and automate tasks centred around specific devices and activities.
By using smart outlets and plugs, you can transition your regular appliances and devices into convenient components of your smart system.

What are the best products on the market for making your home super smart?

If you seek to transform your home into a smart life experience, then be sure to consider the smart products on the market that can make this endeavour a successful one.

Some examples of smart devices:

  • Smart speakers are a must-have for every room in your smart home, and there are many excellent models available, depending on your AI interface of choice.
  • Smart doorbells pair well with smart speakers, allowing you to hear the doorbell ring from afar.  Plus, they make it easier than ever to answer the door without having to go do so.
  • Smart monitors connect to your smart doorbell so you can see who it is at your door before you let them in from afar.
  • Smart televisions can take your movies and video game systems to the next level.
  • Smart pet and baby monitors can also monitor your baby or fur-baby from a distance.

All of these smart products can help make your home more efficient and enjoyable to inhabit.

How to save money by making your home smarter- tips and tricks

Making a home smarter can be an efficient and cost-effective way to save money. By utilizing smart technology, such as automated thermostats, sensors, and other devices, homeowners can decrease their energy bills while improving their quality of life. With the help of AI assistants like Alexa or Google Assistant, easy tasks can be automated and controlled from each room and by voice.
Making one's home smarter is an efficient and cost-effective way to save money.

  • By utilizing advanced technology, such as automated thermostats, sensors, AI assistants and other devices, homeowners can reduce their energy consumption while improving their living experience.
  • Through the use of smart technology, tasks such as managing temperatures, lighting levels and security systems can be automated through voice commands via AI assistants like Alexa or Google Assistant. This is not only more convenient for the homeowner but also helps conserve electricity costs by allowing the user to adjust settings remotely.
  • Furthermore, features like motion sensors for lights can be set up to reduce unnecessary usage by turning them off when no one is in the area.
  • Smart appliances can also prove beneficial in terms of energy savings as they are designed to use less power than traditional models while still providing superior results.

By investing in these technologies and taking advantage of their capabilities, it is possible to save a significant amount on energy bills while simultaneously enjoying greater convenience and control over your home environment.

SUPER SMART HOMES: Get The Complet Guide Now

A smart home is a dwelling equipped with technology that allows residents to remotely control automated devices in the home. By definition, this means that there are many different types of things that can qualify as part of a smart home. The benefits of having a smart home include peace of mind, convenience, efficiency, and safety.  For example, you can be sitting at work and receive an alert on your phone letting you know that someone has just walked up to your house. Thru the smart camera or doorbell tell visitors what you want to say from "Get Off My Lawn!" to "Come On In!". If you have an appointment or meeting after work, you can adjust your thermostat so that when you get home it will be comfortable without wasting any energy throughout the day. These are only two examples- imagine all of the other ways a smart home could make your life easier! If you're interested in making your home the smartest smart home on the block but aren't sure where to start, don't worry- we've got you covered. Check out our complete guide to everything you need to know about building or improving upon a smart home below.

SUPER SMART HOMES : Get The Complet Guide Now

Smart Locks
Smart Doorbells
Smart Lights and Smart Outlets
Smart Security Cameras and Smart Sensors
Artificial Intelligence Voice Activated Control Systems
Smart Baby Monitors and Smart Pet Monitors
Smart Displays and Smart Televisions
Smart Speakers
Smart Thermostats
Smart Vacuums
Smart Coffee Makers, Fridges, Stoves, Blenders
...and more!

Facts and Questions and Last Minute Advice - Click for More

FACT - Know Your Assistant

Make sure each smart device you purchase works with your hub or personal AI assistant or smartphone. Read the box and check online before you buy.

FACT - Voice Activated Artificial Intelligence Can Be Trained

Get Our "Train An AI Assistant To Understand Your Personal Voice" Guide coming soon. Sign up now for future-relevant posts direct to your mailbox.

Jasper Avatar by DALLE
Written by: Jasper (AI) Images by DALL-E