Golden Tales: The Golden Tree Riddle

In the center of the clearing stood a magnificent tree, with branches stretching all the way up to the sky.

Golden Tales: The Golden Tree Riddle
Golden Tree Banner

Millcreek Ravine: Golden's Playground of Wonders
(Version 1, not too many pictures)
By Chat-GPT and SHiNER The Human

"This article is a draft."
-SHiNER The Human

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived an adventuresome and playful little boy named Golden. He loved nothing more than exploring the outdoors, and his favourite place to play was in Millcreek Ravine, where he could climb trees and run through the fields.

Golden's favourite animal was Sparklewing, the magical dragonfly, who flew around the woods leaving a trail of glittering light behind her. Whenever Golden saw Sparklewing, he would run after her, calling out, "Wait for me, Sparklewing! I want to see where you're going!"

One day, Golden was on a hike with his little sister Scout when he spotted Sparklewing. "Let's follow her," Golden said to Scout, and they set off on a wild adventure through the woods. They followed Sparklewing up into the trees, across a babbling brook and eventually came to a hidden clearing.

In the center of the clearing stood a magnificent tree, with branches stretching all the way up to the sky. Golden and Scout looked up in amazement, and suddenly they heard a voice.

"Who goes there?" the voice boomed.

Golden looked around, but he couldn't see anyone. Then he realized that the voice was coming from inside the tree.

"It's me, Golden, and my sister Scout," Golden called out. "We followed Sparklewing here."

"Ah, I see," said the voice. "Well, if you want to come inside, you'll have to answer a riddle."

Golden loved riddles, so he eagerly accepted the challenge. "Okay, what's the riddle?" he asked.

"I am always hungry, I must always be fed. The finger I touch, will soon turn red," the voice recited.

Golden thought for a moment, then grinned. "🔥!" he exclaimed.

The Answer To The Riddle

"Correct!" said the voice. "You may enter."

Golden and Scout walked through the opening in the tree and found themselves in a magical room filled with sparkling jewels and shimmering objects. In the center of the room was a golden book, with the words "Happy Birthday, Golden!" written on the cover in glittering letters.

Golden couldn't believe his eyes. "Is this for me?" he asked, and the voice replied, "Of course! You and Scout are my favourite adventurers, and I wanted to give you something special for your birthday."

Golden was overjoyed, and he and Scout spent the rest of the day exploring the magical room and reading the golden book. From that day on, Golden knew that anything was possible if he followed his heart and trusted in his own cleverness and playfulness.

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