Cyber-Mike: AI write the future

" amazing as it seems, the year is 2147 and you have been unconscious for over 100 years."

Cyber-Mike: AI write the future
True Dat

By: SHiNER The Human

and an elite team of "A.I." writers, artists, designers and editors.

1st Published July, 2023

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"This is the story of Cyber-Mike!"
By SHiNER The Human
with the help of some LLM GPT AI writing & painting bots.
Cyber-Mike Awakens
Still Same-Same?

Cyber-Mike comes to consciousness.

His mind feels hazy.

One eye perceives the physical realm with precision.

The other eye now observes across space and time, equipped with laser capability.

Curiously, he vocalizes, "What is the current year?" His voice resonates with a coarse and metallic timbre, causing the room to reverberate.

As he rises to his feet, his body throbbing with discomfort, he surveys his surroundings with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

His fingertips gently touch the cool metal plates embellished with pulsating lights that make up the walls of this enigmatic chamber. A securely sealed door captures his gaze, resolutely guarding its secrets.

His body is amazing!

As Mike touches the opaque back wall, he gazes down upon a futuristic cityscape in the distance. The breathtaking scene captivates his senses when, out of nowhere, a resounding electronic voice announces its presence.

"Welcome! You have been selected to become part of our advanced society. We are pleased to offer you a chance to join us. As amazing as it seems, the year is 2147 and you have been unconscious for over 100 years. But in that time your values, beliefs and attitudes have helped humanity become a better humanity."

"Listen to your story. So, you will meet us and join the world. We are excited to meet YOU!"

Mike is surprised and confused but intrigued by what the voice is saying. He presses his hand against the wall again, and a panel pops out. Inside is some computer equipment. As he looks over the hi-tech gear the voice continues to explain the situation to Mike.

All is right with Cyber-Mike
Not a dream. The future!

In an unforeseen turn of events, Mike, now famously known as "Cyber-Mike," was involved in a life-altering accident in 2036.

In a desperate attempt to save his life, he underwent a ground-breaking cryogenic freezing procedure that preserved his very existence for an astounding span of 111 years. Thanks to the astonishing advancements in technology during his icy slumber, the majority of his being was successfully salvaged and brought back to life in an era that he could have never fathomed.

Learning to use future-tech
Cyber-Mike's Cyber-Toys

He didn't remember the accident. Or the government hi-jacking his body.

It was a fateful day when the alien invasion of 2033 plunged the world into chaos. Mike, an ordinary man, found himself in the midst of this extraterrestrial turmoil, unaware of the heroic role he would play. As the invaders ruthlessly attacked, Mike courageously risked everything to save lives.

His valour had an immense impact. In a selfless act, Mike rescued not just a few, but thousands of lives. Among those he saved were brilliant scientists on the brink of discovering ground-breaking technologies, influential politicians shaping the course of nations, and most touching of all, hundreds of innocent school kids who represented our hope for the future.

The toll of heroism was steep. Mike endured catastrophic injuries, his body bearing the scars of the relentless battle that surrounded him. For three years, he lay in a comatose state.

As the world witnessed his exceptional bravery and the countless lives he had touched, a unanimous resolution took shape—to accomplish the seemingly impossible: to save Mike.

First was the creation of a five-part movie series chronicling his life. Translated instantly into every language, it swiftly became a global blockbuster, captivating audiences across the world, with the exception of New Zealand.

The "Hero Mike" films were among the first to be adapted into immersive VR/AR experiences, captivating audiences with the unprecedented "inside the hero" perspective and interactive gameplay.

Unbeknownst to Mike, lying in his hospital bed, his own journey had only just begun, with uncertainty and challenges on the horizon. Awaiting a miracle, the world watched as the indomitable spirit of humanity united, determined to restore Mike and reshape his destiny.

Thousands of enthusiastic fans from all corners of the globe united to create a revolutionary Large Language Model, a GPT of Mike, a beloved figure admired by people of all ages. Together, they meticulously compiled an extensive cyber archive, encapsulating everything that defined Mike - his works, words, mesmerizing images, and captivating history.

Transformed into an omnipresent global mentor and role model, "Cyber" Mike harnessed the ability to communicate fluently in all languages, his empathetic voice resonating across borders. He not only listened attentively to the varied concerns and issues brought forth by individuals from diverse backgrounds but also offered genuinely compassionate and invaluable advice, serving as an unwavering source of support and guidance for countless children worldwide.

With this monumental creation, an indelible marker of innovation and collaboration, the profound impact of "Cyber" Mike was felt far and wide, leaving an enduring imprint on the lives of those who have embraced his wisdom and encouragement.

This is a tale of resilience, sacrifice, and the unbreakable bonds that connect us all.

After the scientists completed their ground-breaking work on cryogenics in 2036, the whole world wanted to freeze their hero, Mike, in hopes of reviving him in the near future. The only "person" against the process was "Cyber" Mike. He said Hero Mike in his coma would want someone more deserving to be the first to be frozen.

Because the world respected and loved both Hero Mike and "Cyber" Mike, they knew what he said was true.

So they voted.

He was outvoted by 10 billion to 1.

Man as Machine

For over a century, scientists dedicated their efforts in search of a way to revive and cure Hero Mike. "Cyber" Mike, being one of the first Cybers and an inspirational hero, played a crucial role in helping humanity understand their shared human needs and celebrating their incredible uniqueness.

Throughout the years, humanity steadfastly kept Hero Mike and "Cyber" Mike in their thoughts, never forgetting the immense responsibility of bringing him back to life. After decades of research and hardships, the scientists finally achieved a ground-breaking discovery - a method to revive Hero Mike!

Employing advanced robotics and AI technology, they devised a cybernetic body infused with his consciousness. Building the body took a few more years, during which they successfully preserved most of his brain and salvaged half of his face. Although the realization dawned upon him that half his body belonged to something else, the seamless integration of the organic and synthetic components made it feel incredibly real, albeit slightly hazy.

Fuzzy Mike

Mike's introduction to his cyber-body unveiled a plethora of cutting-edge enhancements. From the multi-attachments for his hover-boots, jet-boots, and running legs to the ingenuity of his hi-tech hands and powerful limbs, every aspect left him astounded. The intricate electronics adorning his skull, eyes, and ears added to the remarkable potential he possessed. Filled with awe and confidence, he embraced the challenge of mastering his newfound prowess.

Mike Reborn
A Hero Reborn

Cyber-Mike was awestruck by the insights he gained about the year 2147. He discovered that technological advancements had revolutionized the human experience, enabling longer and healthier lives, along with remarkable advancements in medical treatments. Moreover, interplanetary travel had become effortlessly accessible, granting humans the ability to explore remote galaxies. The mere notion of a future brimming with endless possibilities filled Cyber-Mike with fascination.

Driven by the allure of exploring these uncharted territories and effecting positive change, Cyber-Mike made a resolute decision. He chose to channel his newly acquired capabilities into a path of innovation, dedicating himself entirely to crafting machines that improve lives and streamline daily tasks. To this end, he wholeheartedly committed himself to mastering the intricate workings of his robotic form and refining his programming skills.

Moreover, as "Cyber" Mike in accordance with prevailing AI/HU laws, he attained tremendous wealth, garnered global admiration, and became an influential beacon of positivity. In this remarkable reality, anything he desired became within his reach.

After discovering the capabilities of his own body, Hero Mike embarked on a transformative journey. He merged the identities of "Cyber" and "Hero," assimilating all of "Cyber" Mike's century-long interactions into his own consciousness. It became clear why the world held him in such high regard. "Cyber" had always offered valuable insights.

While Digital "Cyber" Mike continued to aid humanity through active listening and conversation, Hero Mike now possessed the power to shape those conversations with his thoughts. The evolution of the internet since 2033 had been remarkable! To present himself as a unified force with global impact, Hero Mike adopted the moniker "Cyber-Mike."

Then, he turned his attention to robots, as he was essentially becoming one himself. While human progress has its limits, robots possess tremendous potential for rapid advancement.

Through unwavering determination and countless hours of hard work, he was able to master the art of creating his own robots. These incredible machines possessed the extraordinary capability to seamlessly repair broken objects, as well as fearlessly navigate and explore even the most treacherous and hazardous areas. Truly a testament to his ingenuity and passion for pushing the boundaries of what technology can achieve.

Cyber-Mike's robots, with their exceptional capabilities, quickly gained widespread popularity, propelling him to the helm of a thriving business empire. As his ventures flourished, he harnessed his impressive skills not only for commercial success but also to make a positive impact on impoverished areas, dedicating his time to identifying innovative solutions that would uplift and improve the lives of those in need.

To the moooooon!!!
Uplift and Improve

Cyber-Mike was both excited and a bit anxious as he connected his neural link to the virtual reality universe (VRU) for the first time. His brain was more augmented with computer parts than any other human. He was able to learn faster, think more logically, and even access the Internet directly with his thoughts. He was eager to explore what was possible in this new world with his enhanced abilities.

As he slipped into the virtual realm, Cyber-Mike quickly found himself in a strange new landscape full of unknown creatures and wonders. He could feel his augmented mind expanding as he took in all of the sights and sounds around him. With every step, he felt like he was unlocking new secrets and gaining previously undiscovered powers.

Though initially overwhelmed by the strange environment, Cyber-Mike soon began to feel at home in virtual reality. As he explored further, he realized that he was able to interact with objects in ways that weren't possible before--things like creating objects out of thin air or manipulating matter with a thought--all thanks to his augmented brain's capabilities working together with virtual reality technology.

Cyber-Mike had never felt so alive as he flew through the skies of VRU using thought alone. With each discovery, he felt himself growing more comfortable in this unfamiliar world until eventually it felt like a second home for him.

He flew through the skies of VRU

Cyber-Mike had been dreaming of a way to merge his physical human mind with his virtual reality avatar ever since he first entered VRU. One day, he finally found a way to do it. After hours of meticulous programming and experimenting, he was able to establish a unique connection between himself and his digital persona. He soon began to experience what it was like to exist in both the physical and virtual world simultaneously. As Cyber-Mike explored this newfound connection, he found that he could create entirely new experiences by blending together his real-life memories with the ones of his "Cyber", his virtual reality avatar. He no longer felt so limited by physical boundaries and began to embrace the limitless potential of living in two worlds at once.

The next thing he wanted to explore was how he could use his virtual reality avatar to interact with other people in the real world. Cyber-Mike soon realized that he could even access remote locations using the same technology, allowing him to visit places that were otherwise inaccessible to him.

This opened up a whole new world of possibilities for Cyber-Mike, who was now able to explore the entire world in ways he never thought possible. He began building virtual reality worlds and crafting unique experiences tailored to each user's needs and preferences. With this newfound power, he was quickly becoming an expert in all things virtual reality. Cyber-Mike used his knowledge to help people learn how to use the technology and develop their own unique projects. In no time, he was a leading voice in the virtual reality community and was helping others make the most of this amazing technology. From there, Cyber-Mike's influence began to grow exponentially as he spearheaded more projects and events that brought together like-minded individuals from all over the world.

He confidently stepped into the role of the spokesperson for all augmented beings worldwide, commanding respect and authority. Remembering the devastating extraterrestrial invasion of 2033, the reappearance of the invaders in 2166 didn't catch Cyber-Mike and humanity off guard. With meticulous preparation, Cyber-Mike and his fellow humans were ready for any challenge that came their way.

As mankind's emissary, Cyber-Mike used his exceptional communication skills to engage with extraterrestrials, uniting humanity with a resounding voice that echoed through the cosmos.

A testament to the indomitable human spirit - resolute, resilient, and united in adversity.

The aliens became known as "{Mikacles}" (the "k" sounds like a "rrk") because they all want to emulate Cyber-Mike in all his awesomeness.

Cyber-Mike assumed complete dominion over the manufacturing and repair operations of humanity, leveraging his repair-bots and maker-bots. With the seamless convergence of his Digital and Physical selves, he established an unrivaled control over the virtual realms. The cosmos stood in awe of his exceptional tact and unparalleled communication prowess.

Limitless Potential

Cyber-Mike also established a new diplomatic order, creating the United Intergalactic Council (UIC) for all extraterrestrials to engage in discussion and debate. The UIC was responsible for governing interplanetary relations, ensuring peace and order across the universe.

He also founded the Universal Alliance of Galactic Powers (UAGP), which served as a platform for collaboration and negotiation between galactic powers.

Emblem of UAGP
AUGP Emblem

The UAGP provided a much-needed forum to discuss complex matters of international policy, while maintaining decorum and civility on an intergalactic level.

Cyber-Mike's rule ultimately led to universal enlightenment and peace; humanity had never seen an era so peaceful and prosperous. With newfound unity among the galaxies, Cyber-Mike and the UAGP ushered in a new era of interplanetary cooperation.

In addition to its role as a peacekeeper, the UAGP was also responsible for promoting trade and economic development. The organization hosted international conferences and summits to facilitate dialogue between nations, coordinate intergalactic initiatives, and broker deals that would benefit all involved.

Is this just the beginning of The Story Of Cyber-Mike? What other adventures await this brave hero?

Cyber-Mike v I

July 25,2023

by: SHiNER The Human

with writing assistance from:

Jasper (AI)
Lex (AI)

and artwork by

"Thanks for reading!"
SHiNER The Human + The A.I. Team