Book Review Format

"Is This Book For Me?" "This Book Is For You If..."

Book Review Format
Super Books Super Book Reviews

Jan 29, 2023

Book Review Format


[Banner/Header Image]

15 Plus Books Read And Reviewed by SHiNER The Human This Year
Super Books Super Reviews

Super Book Review: [Book Title, by Author]

Product Link:

[Another Image]

Blurry Image Of A Book
Blurry Image Of A Book






1st Published:

Single Sentence Summary:

[Provide a 1 sentence summary of the book]

Is This Book For Me?

[ mention life altering ]

This book is for you if...

  • you seek change
  • care about your future
  • are interested in neurocognition
  • want to live a long and healthy life
  • are willing to improve your life

Explain It To Me Briefly:

[ 1 paragraph summary in simple language ]

Super Review:

[ what it is about, why it is interesting, chapters and quotes, pictures ]

[ 3 to 15 paragraphs, 500 to 1000 words max ]

This Book Is Super Because:

Wrap up how it will change life

Super Summary:

[ final summary of super review, repeat vital bits ]

Is There More:

[Author Bibliography With Links]

About The Author:

[Author Bio]

[Check Price and Availability Button]

Version 2: Should I Read

Book Review Template: Should I Read?

Affiliate Disclaimer

Info (ISBN)

1st Printed
Book Cover Placeholder Image
Placeholder Image

Single Sentence Summary

[Provide a brief 1-sentence summary of the book]

Is This Book For Me?

  • [This book is for you if: (bullet points)]
  • [Seek Change, Growth, AI Knowledge, Neuro, bio, learning]
  • [Other points]

If you are not interested in personal growth, please stop reading now.

Explain It To Me Simply

[Explain it to a child - 1 to 2 paragraph summary of the book]

Super Review

[Long summary]

  • [About]
  • [Interesting aspects]
  • [Appendices]
  • [Exercises]
  • [More]

[2 or 3 paragraphs, longer]


Ugly Action Terms
Place Holder Image

Page Image Of Reviewed Book- Motivational Quote
View From Inside The Book

Key Quote

"Insert an impactful quote from the book here."

Topics Covered

  • [Topic 1]
  • [Topic 2]
  • [Topic 3]
  • [Add more bullet points to cover the main topics covered in the book]

Why You Should Read [Title]

[Title] is an exceptional book that offers profound insights into [topic/subject]. With its [unique approach/writing style], it presents [topic/subject] in a captivating and accessible manner, making it a must-read for anyone interested in [topic/subject]. Through [author's] expertise and [book's key strengths], it delivers [benefits/outcomes]. Whether you are a [target audience], [title] will [impactful statement].

Check Availability and Price on Zon

  • [ ]  Button

Is There More?

[Other Books, Courses, Webstuff, Print Material By Author]

About the Author

[Author Bio/About Author]

Version 3

Should I Buy

Book Review Template: Should I Read?

Affiliate Disclaimer

Info (ISBN)

  • TITLE:
  • PAGES:
  • 1st Printed:
  • Topic:
  • Subject:

Book Cover

Single Sentence Summary:
[Provide a brief 1-sentence summary of the book]

Is This Book For Me?

  • This book is for you if: (bullet points)
  • Seek Change, Growth, AI Knowledge, Neuro, bio, learning
  • Other points

If you are not interested in personal growth, please stop reading now.

Explain It To Me Simply:
[Explain it to a child - 1 to 2 paragraph summary of the book]

Super Review:

  • Long summary
  • About
  • Interesting aspects
  • Appendices
  • Exercises
  • More

[2 or 3 paragraphs, longer]


SEO Overview Placeholder Image
SEO placeholder
Image of my brain
Brain Image Placeholder

Key Quote:

"Insert an impactful quote from the book here."

Topics Covered:

  • [Topic 1]
  • [Topic 2]
  • [Topic 3]
  • [Add more bullet points to cover the main topics covered in the book]

Why You Should Read [Title]:
[Title] is an exceptional book that offers profound insights into [topic/subject]. With its [unique approach/writing style], it presents [topic/subject] in a captivating and accessible manner, making it a must-read for anyone interested in [topic/subject]. Through [author's] expertise and [book's key strengths], it delivers [benefits/outcomes]. Whether you are a [target audience], [title] will [impactful statement].

Check Availability and Price on Zon

  • [ ]  Button

Is There More?
[Other Books, Courses, Webstuff, Print Material By Author]

About the Author:
[Author Bio/About Author]

"Only books read by the author are reviewed. The AIs review the other human's reviews. SHiNER The Human reads the books and edits the reviews."
-SHiNER The Human