AI Write About Faceless Youtube Channel Money Making

Inspiration for your first video can come from top channels within your chosen niche.

AI Write About Faceless Youtube Channel Money Making
AI CREATED CONTENT, Y'ALL!!! Thanks, Future AI Overlords

How to Create Faceless Videos on YouTube: A Step-by-Step Guide

Faceless videos on YouTube are a popular and effective way to engage with audiences without having to appear on camera. This guide will walk you through the process of creating your own faceless YouTube channel using AI software.

GOAT! Greatest Of All Time! Meeeh!
GOAT! Greatest Of All Time! Meeeh!

Step 1: Choose Your Niche

Your niche is the specific topic or theme of your channel. It's crucial to choose a niche that you're passionate about and is of interest to a significant audience. The most lucrative niches often relate to health, wealth, happiness, travel, and technology.

health, wealth, happiness, travel, and technology
Health, Wealth, Happiness, Travel, and Technology

Step 2: Generate an Idea for Your First Video

Inspiration for your first video can come from top channels within your chosen niche. Sort these videos by popularity and use them as models for your own content.

Great Ideas come from staring at a screen
Great Ideas come from staring at a screen

Step 3: Create Your Video Using Pictory AI Software

Pictory AI is a video generation tool that allows you to create videos without needing to record them manually. With this software, you can generate scripts for videos, select voiceovers and background music, and even customize the look and feel of your video.
Pictory For The AI Win!

Step 4: Create Your YouTube Channel

Your YouTube channel is where you'll upload your videos. Make sure to have an appealing profile picture and channel art to attract viewers.

AI Created GOATness
Always count a goat's legs.

Step 5: Upload and Optimize Your First Video

Once your video is ready, upload it to your YouTube channel. Optimize your video with a catchy title, detailed description, and relevant tags to help it reach a wider audience.

At least 60 Weiner Dog Videos will make anyone money
30 to 60 Weiner Dog Videos will make anyone money!!!

Step 6: Upload at least 30 to 60 Videos

Uploading a substantial backlog of videos is key to gaining traction on YouTube. Aim to upload at least 30 to 60 videos to start attracting a consistent audience.

30 to 60 Weiner Dog Videos will make anyone money, probably
No jokes. Steal my idea, please!

Bonus Tip: Affiliate Marketing

Supplement your income by promoting relevant products through affiliate marketing. Include affiliate links in your video descriptions to earn a commission on any purchases made through your link.

Some links are affiliate links. This means if you click one we may get a prize at no expense to you. This is how we feed our hungry, hungry AIs.
Pictory AI Up close and functional
PICTORY Dashboard

Remember that success on YouTube doesn't happen overnight, but with persistence and the right strategies, you can create a lucrative faceless YouTube channel.

Affiliates- The more, the merrier!
Use Affiliates. The more, the merrier!

We Ask an AI:
"How can a faceless YouTube ai video creator make great money with faceless video in the following Big 5 Make Money Online Categories: [Health, Wealth, Happiness, Travel, and Technology]?"
Based on the search results provided, here are some effective ways a faceless YouTube AI video creator can make great money in the Big 5 niches of Health, Wealth, Happiness, Travel, and Technology:
Health Niche
  • Create workout videos, exercise tutorials using AI-generated animations or by recording fitness models performing exercises [3]
  • Make videos on nutrition, healthy recipes, diet plans using AI voiceovers and visuals [3]
  • Produce educational videos explaining health conditions, treatments using AI tools like Pictory [4]
  • Review health/fitness products, supplements through AI-narrated videos [1]
Wealth/Finance Niche
  • Make videos offering financial advice, investment tips using AI voiceovers [1][4]
  • Create videos explaining money management concepts like budgeting, saving using AI animations [4]
  • Produce videos reviewing/comparing financial products like credit cards, loans using AI tools [1]
  • Make videos on how to make money online, passive income ideas using AI [4]
Happiness/Self-Improvement Niche
  • Create motivational videos, affirmations using AI text-to-speech [1][4]
  • Produce meditation guides, mindfulness exercises through AI voiceovers and visuals [4]
  • Make productivity tips, life hacks videos using AI animations [4]
  • Create self-help videos on topics like confidence, relationships using AI tools [1]
Travel Niche
  • Produce travel guides, destination videos using AI voiceovers and stock footage [4]
  • Create packing tips, travel hacks videos through AI animations [1]
  • Make videos reviewing travel gear, accessories using AI narration [1][4]
  • Produce virtual tours of locations using AI-generated visuals [4]
Technology Niche
  • Create product reviews, unboxing videos for tech gadgets using AI voiceovers [1][4]
  • Produce tutorial videos on coding, apps, software using AI screen recordings [4]
  • Make videos explaining latest tech news, innovations using AI animations [4]
  • Create videos on how to use AI tools effectively for content creation [1]

The key is leveraging AI tools like text-to-speech, animations, visuals, and voiceovers to produce engaging videos without appearing on camera. Building an audience by consistently creating valuable content is crucial for monetization through YouTube ads, affiliates, sponsorships etc. [1][2][3][4]


No, really! The average YouTuber makes $60,004 annually!
The average YouTuber makes $60,004 annually

"We ask an AI: How much do you think YouTubers make? 10 Ten Percent, ignoring statistical anomalies."
To estimate the earnings of the top 10% of YouTube content creators, excluding the extreme top earners like MrBeast, we can analyze the provided data and cross-reference historical statistics.
Old data from FinancialBuzz

Key Data Points:

  1. Average Earnings per View: YouTubers earn about $0.018 per view, or $18 per 1,000 views [1][2][3].
  2. Top Talent Earnings: For top talent, the rate can be around $5 per 1,000 views [3].
  3. Average Annual Earnings: The average YouTuber makes about $60,004 per year [1].
  4. Earnings for 1 Million Subscribers: A YouTuber with 1 million subscribers can make approximately $936,000 annually from AdSense alone if they get their entire audience to watch a new video every week [3].
  5. Earnings for 100,000 Subscribers: YouTubers with 100,000 subscribers typically earn around $600 to $1,000 weekly, amounting to $2,400 to $4,000 monthly [4].

Estimation for Top 10% Earners:

  • Views and Subscribers: The top 10% of YouTubers likely have substantial viewership and subscriber counts, but not as high as the top 0.0001% like MrBeast.
  • Revenue Sources: These YouTubers earn from multiple streams including AdSense, sponsorships, merchandise, and affiliate marketing.

Logical Estimation:

  1. Ad Revenue: Assuming a top 10% YouTuber gets around 1 million views per month:
    • Monthly Ad Revenue: $$1,000,000 \text{ views} \times $0.018 \text{ per view} = $18,000$$
    • Annual Ad Revenue: $$ $18,000 \times 12 = $216,000 $$
  2. Sponsorships and Other Income: Sponsorships, merchandise, and affiliate marketing can significantly boost earnings. Let's conservatively estimate these additional sources contribute an extra 50% of their ad revenue:
    • Additional Income: $$ $216,000 \times 0.5 = $108,000 $$
  3. Total Annual Earnings: Combining ad revenue and additional income:
    • Total Annual Earnings: $$ $216,000 + $108,000 = $324,000 $$

Cross-Referencing Historical Data:

  • Top 100,000 Subscribers: Earning $2,400 to $4,000 monthly translates to $28,800 to $48,000 annually [4].
  • Top Talent: Earning $5 per 1,000 views for 1 million views per month results in $60,000 annually from ads alone [3].


Based on the data and logical estimation, the top 10% of YouTubers, excluding the extreme top earners, likely make between $200,000 to $500,000 annually. This range accounts for ad revenue, sponsorships, merchandise, and other income streams, providing a realistic and cross-referenced estimate.

Machine Learning For The Win!
Machine Learning For The Win!
